Thursday 29 January 2009

evaluation of shoots

Before we actually shot our footage we went on some location reccies and shoot walkthroughs, this enabled us to plan the exact shot and shot size which we needed for the actual shoot. It was also useful because it showed us what problems we were likely to face when doing the actual shoot, one of these problems was the amount of people that were around and we did encounter some problems with this when doing the actual shoot.

Our first shoot wasn't very successful because we filmed it early in the morning so the lighting wasn't very good. Also, we were filming outside a train station and this made it difficult to shoot the longer shots because it was busy with commuters. Furthermore, it was raining when we performed the shoot which lowered the quality of the footage.

Our second shoot was more successful because the weather was better and we filmed later in the day which meant that the streets were not as busy as before. Also, the shots themselves were of a higher quality because we used a tripod which made the camera a lot more steady than in the first shoot.

Our third shoot was successful because we managed to film a lot of footage because the location wasn't very busy. Also, the lighting for the close-up leg shots was better than on the second shoot because the sunlight wasn't as strong so the throusers weren't as bright and the shot looked better.

Our fourth shoot was a re-shoot of the first shoot, it was successful because we achieved what we needed to in that the lighting was better in the re-shoot and we got the camera angles right. In the fourth shoot we also filmed the opening sequence of the music video which was going to be difficult because we needed to use a strobe light to give the feeling of the end of a party. These shots were difficult because the camera had trouble registering the facial details of the actors, we got round this by using phone lights to slightly light up their faces. Also, the camera had trouble focusing because of the flashing of the strobe light, we overcame this problem by slowing down the flashing of the strobe light.

Our final shoot was successful because we found a few new locations which would fit in with the opening sequences. Also, the new footage which we got will help to give the video a sense of a journey.

Overall, our shoots were relatively successful because we only had to re-shoot two sequences and the rest of the footage we successfully shot first time.

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