Wednesday 26 November 2008

Analysis of TV Heart Attack - Bang Bang Bang Music Video
From watching this music video it is clear that videos from the genre we are looking at uses quick and very short shots, this is apparent as the longest shot lasts around 2 seconds and the shortest one lasts around half a second. This video which is a noir video has hardly any or no static camera shots. Looking at the video the shots are always panning back or across the artists or the females or males within the shot, this moving means that the longer shots within the video don’t seem as long.
I analysed the first 2 minutes and 6 seconds and sound that there were 100 shots within this time, although some were repeated, this will help when making our video as knowing short repeated shots are as good as ones that have not been shown before. The noir element is clear within this video as it is in black and white as well as having shadows showing a figure with a gun killing the boxer. What I did notice is that there were not very many angled shots within this video, it may have been that they were not appropriate but more so that they were not always needed, there were a lot of flat shots especially when showing the band with close ups of their faces.
An interesting idea that I noticed in this video was the idea of the reverse narrative, this is common within the noir structure in films and music videos. The way the dead boxer was shown at the begging and then the story was told through the video. This was linked in with the cuts of the band playing witch is an idea for our music video.

1 comment:

c_fernandez said...

Jamie - a competent analysis. You do reflect on the techniques, but it is a bit short and needs spellchecking.

Can I also see your shot list.
