Monday 17 November 2008

Ananlysis-Oxide and Neutrino-Devil's Nightmare

This music video was released for the soundtrack of Tomb Raider. It is mainly performance based but with action shots and CU's of Angelina Jolie. This is to promote the film. It further promotes the film through amplification as the pace of the track and the MC is closely matched and therefore amplified by the fast, continuity edited cuts. The video also promotes the artists. Many of the shots are CU's of, primarily neutrino MCing and secondly DJ oxide. This makes up the meat of the video and helps to sell the band through associations with them and their music. The artists are represented as tough. This is done firstly by the costumes. The opening shot is of Neutrino standing up. He is wearing an orange boiler suit which has connotations of high security incarsaration which is symbolic of Neutrino being outside the law and society, essentially showing that he is free from society's chains which therefore makes him an inspirational figure. The location is also bends this reading. He is performing on a flat and sandy floor surrounded by shadows. This symbolises that he doesn't need material goods as he has nothing in the video to imply this. When you couple this with the former idea, it clearly connotes an anti-capitilist discourse. The sand also has other connotations. The music has an ethnic, typically hollywood, ancient sounding tune. When you link this element of the music with the sand and the Egyptian symbol tattoed on his back, along with the context of Tomb Raiser, Neutrino seems to be presented as some sort of Egyptian diety. This is because firstly, he is presented as ouside the law, he is then presented as anti-capitilst, it then shows him with a pagan symbol on his back, and finally he laughs at the invisble force attacking him in the final shot.
The video also discourses Laura Mulvey's theory of the male gaze. Most music videos objectify women and according to Goffman, Jhally and Kilborn, women are often dismembered with shots only showing particular body parts. In this musci video, Angelina Jolie is not presented in this way. although we look at her through the refelctions in the male character's eyes which connotes voyeurism, she is not dismembered or objectified. We see actions shots which discourse femine ideologies and we also see her from MS's which don't allow for any one body part to be fetishised.

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