Wednesday 26 November 2008

Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis-Evaluation

I have found the technical analysis of ‘Time is running out’ film noir music video version by Muse useful because it has showed me the sheer volume of shots needed to make a successful music video. This can be seen through there being 100 shots in the first two and a half minutes of the video. It was also useful because it showed the shot length needed to make a good music video, this can be seen by the fact that the longest shot in the video was around four seconds. In this music video there is continuity editing and this gives the video smooth cuts which make it flow with the song. Furthermore, jump cuts are used to cut between the male and female characters when they are is different places, there are also a few fades used to go from one shot to another which are used successfully because they enhance the feeling of mystery in the music video. This evidence will be useful in our music video because that is the effect that we are aiming for. The Close-Up shot of the main characters is most predominantly used in this music video which enables the producers to use the film noir elements of the music video through close-up shots of the character’s faces cast in shadows. There is not a lot of camera movement in the shots because they are so short, however, one successful camera movement was a pan down the body of the male protagonist. The music video is also useful because it shows how certain camera angles can be used successfully, for example, there are a lot of low camera angles tilting upwards at the main male character, giving him power over the female character. The narrative is constructed technically in this music video through the use of cuts between male and female characters and jump cuts between the two characters watching each other and their reactions. There are a few close-up shots that are repeated in the music video, for example shot 13 is repeated as the 15th shot. This music video will be useful in our planning because it will help us form our storyboard because it gives an idea on the amount of shots needed to make a good music video. Furthermore, this technical analysis has been useful because it is a low budget, amateur version of the music video for the original track and this is what we will be aiming to achieve.


c_fernandez said...

Well done - this is focused and technical.

Can you go back and include some paragraphs though?

Level 4-

c_fernandez said...

Also - a link to the track...